Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Crema al lime- Lime curd

So there is the ole famous quote "when life throws you lemons, make limoncello". And we've all been there, made that! But, what do you do when the man at the local market gives you a massive bag of limes? Well, make you make crema al lime (lime curd), of course!
I have been making lemon curd since way back when, but today decided to use the same trusty recipe to make a lime version.
This is stable in my cucina, and is perfect stored in the fridge to whip up last minute desserts. The filling is perfect to fill pastry tarts, and super cute served as fingerfood sized tartlets. I have been asked so many times for this recipe over the years, so I am finally writing it down, before I forget it! 
This filling is guaranteed to change your face, with it's super zingy kick, and sure to be a party pleaser.

Ingredients (this made 10 small jars- half for smaller quantities):
fourteen limes, juice and zest
four cups of sugar
fourteen organic eggs
250 grams of organic butter 
What to do:
1: Wash the limes and then zest the skins, squeeze the juice of the limes and add to a large pan.
2: Add the butter and sugar also to the pan and bring gently to the boil while stirring.
3: Take off the heat. In a separate bowl whisk the eggs. Very gently and slowly whisk the eggs into the lime mixture. VERY slowly.
4: Return to a low heat, continuously whisking over a low heat stir the mixture until it begins to thicken.
5: Pass the thickened mixture through a fine sieve to remove zest and any lumps. 
6: Once the mixture has thickened pour into sterilised jars.
7: Place the jars into a large pot of cold water and bring to the boil, allow to boil for 20 minutes. This will seal your jars, allowing you to store sealed mixture in the fridge for unto three months.
#lime #curd #crema #cremaallime #recipe 

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