Monday, January 4, 2016

Rosticciana/ Roasted pork ribs

So now I am going to share with you my simple go-to recipe when my mind goes blank and I need to prepare something that requires zero effort but needs to be delicious. 
This specilaity always gets guests asking for more and pleading for the recipe. The great things about this is that all of the preparation can be done well in advance and almost forgotten about, making it the perfect main course to serve at a dinner party. I can't even recall the amount of times that I have made this, as it frequently presented on my table at home and at work. I don't like to say that I have a signature dish as I really do love cooking so many, but if I had to name one, then la rosticciana would have to be one of them. 
In fact I recently resorted to serving this ole faithful for Alessandro`s brothers 40th birthday party I hosted for fifteen guests at our home. I was able to marinate the meat in the morning and concentrate on other preparations. The long and slow cooking period combined with the quality of the meat guarantees that your meat will be falling of the bone and melting in your mouth.
Rosticciana is a typical Tuscan dish and is traditionally cooked in wood fired oven or with coals. If you are like me and have a regular conventional oven at home follow these simple steps for an earth shattering result! For a `Tuscan touch` serve in small terracotta bowls! I always serve this with `contorni` side dishes of roast fennel, roast potatoes, and sautéed spinach.
What you will need: This recipe will serve 4/5 people allowing for 2/3 pork ribs per person!
700 grams of Pork Ribs. It is much cheaper to buy the full rib and cut it at home, it is really simple to do. Or ask your butcher to cut the ribs for you into 2/3 cm pieces
1/2 litre of dry white wine 
A good drizzle of olive oil
A few cloves of garlic squashed 
A good handful of dried fennel seeds
Lots of cracked pepper and Sicilian salt 
A few sprigs of rosemary from the garden 
1.5 kilos of uncut pork ribs.
How to make:
1: Place the pre cut pork ribs flesh side down in a large oven proof dish
2: Liberally pour over the white wine which should come up half way but not totally covering the meat
3: Drizzle over the olive oil and evenly sprinkle the fennel seeds, salt and cracked pepper. Making sure it is well seasoned. Randomly place in the smashed garlic cloves and rosemary sprigs. Cover with foil and place in the fridge until ready to cook 
4: Place in a 180 degree oven for 30 minutes, then lower the oven to 140 degrees and cook for a further 1 1/2 hours. Every half and hour use a spoon to douse the meat with the wine juices 
5: The meat is ready when the meat has shrunk in half, the skin is dark and crispy and the bones become exposed 
6: Serve immediately with your chosen side dishes and make sure you drizzle over the wine juices using like a gravy 
#rosticciana #pork #porkribs #roast 

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