Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Zampone con lenticchie - Pig's trotter with lentils

Ok admittedly I am a little late on uploading this recipe- let's just say things have been a little 'festive'. However I can assure you that this was eaten during my 'festive' season, what better way to celebrate than with a pigs trotter! Or at least that's how they reign in the New Year in here in Italy. Zampone is a primary dish across Italy during the Holiday period, typically served on a bed of lentils. Most households across Italy will be eating lentils at home on New Years eve to bring good fortune. Each lentil represents a coin, the significance being that the more lentils eaten the more fortune you will receive in the New Year. The casing  of the pig's trotter represents the money sack in which to collect the coins. However in reality the trotter is stuffed with various delicacies such as pork, prosciutto and sausage- I actually prefer this to coins! Zampone has been a favourite dish in Italian homes at this time of year dating back to the 1500th century.
Zampone is easily accessible to buy at every supermarket in Italy, just as Christmas hams are in Australia. However for a more gourmet and less processed zampone the local butcher also sells them- or you can make them at home. This year my local butcher forgot my name so he simply wrote bimba bella on my parcel meaning beautiful baby, typical Italian! 
I found this web-site where you can order a zampone on-line in Australia:
What you need for lentils:
One cup dried brown lentils
Two cups of water
One small finely diced carrot
One small finely diced celery stick
One bay leaf
One smashed garlic clove
One sprig of fresh rosemary
A few sage leaves
Salt for taste
How to make:
1: Wash the lentils thoroughly under cold running water. Remove any blemished lentils
2: Place all of the ingredients listed above in a medium sized pot (I used a terracotta pot). DO NOT ADD THE SALT
3: Bring to a boil, then continue to simmer for 20-30 minuets until the lentils are cooked
4: Add the salt for taste
5: Serve on a large serving plate with sliced pieces of zampone
                              step 1: start        step 2: after 10 minuets                            
          step 3: after 20 minuets   step 4: ready after 30 minuets
everything is beautifully wrapped- even a pigs trotter
 #buonadomenica #cibo #italia #italy #turista #tourism #kara #versilia #toscana #tuscany #zampone #lenticchie #pigstrotter #lentils #bellabimba #bellavita #traditonalfood 

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