Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Ventagli alle olive nere- 'fans' with black olives

Don't even ask me where I got this recipe from- it is something I have been making for years. Now is the perfect time to start making these little pastries of golden, crispy goodness. I am sure that you have many Christmas parties to attend, and these delights are the perfect snack size 'party food'. Not to mention they are really easy to make which is also handy when catering for a gathering. 'Ventagli' in Italian translates to fan, hence the shape of these pastries. It is common to see these in a sweet version, topped with crispy sugar pieces. However, I love this savoury version. The combination of a few simple ingredients really pack a punch. And yes, in this instance I used pre-made pastry- I know, shock horror!!!
What you need:
250g puff pastry ready made (or two large regtangular shapes)
300g salami 
125g mozzarella (fresh)
80g pitted green olives
two sprigs of fresh rosemary
two gloves of garlic
1/2 cup olive oil
How to make:
1: Pre-heat the oven to a high setting, according to the puff pastry packet
2: In a blender, combine all of the ingredients to form a spreadable paste. Add a little more olive oil if needed, use your eye
3: Divide the paste onto the two seperate sheets of puff pastry
4: Starting at the outer corners, turn the pastry over once on each side (about 2cm), then once again to join the two sides together. This should now resemble a long log. Cut the pastry into sections of about 1cm and place onto a baking tray lined with baking paper. Lightly brush with a egg wash
5: Place in the oven for approximelty 15 mintues (again according the intrucitons on the packet of puff pastry). Cook until golden brown

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