Sunday, December 16, 2012

penne with broccoli- penne con broccoli

Ok, I am back in action peeps! I told you I would start sharing recipe's again. So, here is my first recipe from Italy. I thought this one to be fitting as it is the epitome of simplicity, one of the things I love most about Italian food. All you need is a handful of ingredients, most of which you will probably have in the pantry. This is an example of how food does not need to be complicated but can still be delicious. The other great factor with this dish is that it requires minimal time, no skill, and everything can be prepared in one pan....perfect! The secret ingredient that accelerates the flavour is anchovies (optional of course)! 

 What you need:
300g penne pasta
200-300g broccoli (medium size)
1/3 cup olive oil
three fillets of anchovies (options)
two cloves of garlic
a little salt
freshly grated of Parmesan cheese

How to make:
1: Bring a medium size pot of water to the boil, add salt to the water. Clean and remove the foliage from the broccoli- roughly chop into medium size pieces.
2: Add the pasta and broccoli to the pot of salted water. Cook for roughly 10 minutes (according the the instructions on the packet of pasta)
3: Smash and roughly chop the garlic and also anchovies if desired
4: When the pasta/broccoli is ready remove and strain and shake (this will break up the broccoli pieces), set to one side. Use the same pot- add the olive oil, anchovies, and garlic. Cook for about 2-3 minutes, do not brown the garlic.
5: Add the broccoli/pasta back to the oil mix and stir through, making sure each piece of penne is evenly coated with olive oil
6: Serve at the table and grated fresh Parmesan cheese on top

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