Thursday, June 28, 2012

Insalata di arance e finocchi (fennel and orange salad)

There is something to say about nature providing seasonal produce that is complimentary.  This salad is a perfect example of that.  Without surprise fennel and orange are both in season at the same time.  The bitter aniseed flavour of the fennel is softened by the sweetness of the orange. Also the textural differences  bounce in the mouth.  This salad is so easy to prepare and is really affordable.  People seem to view fennel as a rather exotic  vegetable, but this recipe is fuss free and sure to impress at your next gathering. This salad is a healthy way of eating as the ingredients are presented in their raw state.  When eating this salad close your eyes and dream of the Mediterranean, it's the closest you'll get! 
What you need (serves 4):
One large fennel
two medium size oranges
1/2 cup pine nuts
1/4 cup white wine vinegar
1/4 cup olive oil
salt ad freshly cracked pepper
How to make:
1: Remove stalk of fennel, reserve fine leaves for decorating salad.  Clean under running water.  Remove bottom of fennel, then slice to medium thickness.
2: Remove rind of orange, and cut into segments.  I hold orange in one hand and use a sharp knife to remove segment, disregarding the pith. Using my wrist to rotate as I continue to slice.
3: Place fennel, orange and pine nuts into a bowl.  Dress with combined olive oil and white wine vinegar.  Season accordingly with salt and cracked black pepper.
4: Place salad on a serving place and use fine fennel leaves to decorate

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