Thursday, November 3, 2011

Zabaglione (egg custard)

There is no other word to describe this desert other than heavengly.  It is such a simple desert to make and offers so much richness to the palette.  I have made this many times and tonight when I made it for eight delighted quests the compliments included "possono sposara" (you may marry", "squisito" (exquisite), "ultimo cuoco" (ultimate cook).  This creamy desert is not one concerned about cholestol as it calls for a large amount of egg yolk, but for those not concerned it really is a treat.  The orgional version from Turin calls for the use of Moscato d'Asti (a sweet desert wine), however many Italians use Marsala as I do in this recipie. 
What you need:
6 eggs yolk
200g sugar
100ml Marsala

How to make:
1: Bring a large saucepan of water to the boil.  Insert a smaller saucepan in the larger saucepan with boiling water (this will prevent the eggs from burning)
2:  Add the egg yolks into the small saucepan with the sugar and immediatley start whisking.  Whisk rapidly for approxietely 3-5 minuets until it turns creamy and thick (however it has a pouring consistancy)
3:  Slowly add the marsala wine and whisk for another 2-3 minuets until it is well blended, and  resembles a runny, airated custart
4:  Serve into six seperate bowls and let to set in the fridge.  Or simply pour hot over your favourite fruit or sponge biscuit.  Traditonally zabaglione is served with fresh figs

Buon Apetito

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