Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Cecina (chickpea 'pizza')

Cecina literally translates to 'made of chickpeas'. That is what this Tuscan street snack is made from, literally just chickpea flour and water combined (and olive oil). This street food is originally from Livorno. For the ultimate 'bomb' try it stuffed inside a focaccia, affectionately known locally as the "cinque e cinque". This wafer thin, pizza shaped snack is sold across Tuscany. It is also a popular staple in Liguria, however it is called 'farinata' (made of flour). A definite must try when visiting either region. I remember stumbling across a long line of people all waiting for their slice of cecina in a dimmley lit back street in Siena. Of course I joined the line, ordered some cecina and a glass of wine.
I have tried to make this simple recipe several times at home with no success. However, I have finally conquered the making of cecina! I don't know why something so simple has been so hard to perfect, but I am now so pleased with myself. Honestly, if you closed your eyes and put on some Italian music, you could easily be mistaken that you were eating this cecina in Italy.
It really has quite a unique flavour, I would describe it as somewhat nutty. The perfect cecina has a crispy, salted crust with a soft centre.
Just follow a few simple steps and you too can make cecina at home. Allow twelve hours in advance as the flour needs to soak overnight.
MUST: serve with lots of cracked black pepper
what you need:
1 1/2 litre of bottled still water
400g chickpea flour (beasan flour)
two tablespoons of salt 
four tablespoons of olive oil
pinch of salt
on the streets in San Gimignano, Tuscany
How to make:
1: Place the cecina flour in a large bowl and make a well in centre. Pour in the water very slowly, and gently combine.
2: Stir in 1/2 tablespoon of salt, cover and allow to rest for 12 hours.
3: Pre-heat oven to 250 degrees
4: The cecina batter will have formed froth on the top, remove with a spoon. Add the remaining salt and three tablespoons of olive oil.
5: Add one tablespoon of olive oil to a pizza baking pan. Add the cecina batter to the pizza pan with a ladle. The mixture must not exceed 1cm in height.
6: Place in the oven for 45 minutes. If the cecina starts browning before it is cooked, place aluminium foil over to cover and protect until cooked.
7: Remove from the oven and lightly sprinkle with salt.
cecina served  at the  local 'pizzeria'


  1. You made this perfectly! It looks fantastic. I can't wait to be at our favorite Pizzaria Quadrelli tomorrow!!

  2. Thanks, I am so proud of myself! Much trial and error as you know! I can't to be at Pizzeria Quadrelli with you soon, I hope xx
