Friday, March 30, 2012

Insalata di fichi (fig salad)

Fast, simple, quick and easy but insanely delicious.  When adding figs life just becomes instantly decadent in my opinion.  My instant association and probably most Italians is to enjoy figs with prosciutto.  I like to eat figs picked straight from the tree as they have just been ripened from the summers sun.  Most Italian  households with serve a bowl of lettuce and tomatoes as a salad option with most meals, however this salad is a little more special.  Enjoy it on it's own and soak up the remaining juices with some crusty bread or present it as a side dish.  The figs can  be lightly grilled if desired however I like to enjoy them fresh.
What you need:
4 fresh figs cut in quarters 
100g of goats cheese crumbled
1/2 cups fresh walnuts (crack from the shell)
100g fresh rocket leaves
1/4 cups in total (half olive oil, half balsamic vinegar)
100g prosciutto di Parma (optional)

1: Mix the oil and vinegar together.  Toss the rocket though the dressing until thoroughly coated.  Present the dressed rocket leaves on a large platter
2: Place the prosciutto on top then arrange the remaining ingredients in layers.  Alternatively serve the prosciutto on a side plate and serve with salad (or omit)

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