Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Torta di pere e cioccolato (chocolate and pear cake)

To tell you the truth I have no idea the origins of this cake, all I know is that it is really special.  Now that pears are fully in season in Italy I have seen this cake in many coffee shops throughout Tuscany recently.  It is neither high or fluffy, nor impressive to look at but it is dense, moist and rich in flavour.  The dessert wine in this cake adds a really nice flavour.  Enjoy with coffee or a glass of Vin Santo!
What you need:
100g Amaretti biscuits finely ground
170g Butter
200g dark chocolate
200g plain flour
700g pears
4 eggs
350ml moscato wine
100g sugar

How to make:
1: Cut the pears into slivers, place in a large saucepan and add moscato.  Cook until the pears have absorbed the moscato and become soft (about 15 minuets)
2:  Melt the chocolate in a small saucepan placed over a larger saucepan of boiling water.  When the chocolate is melted add the butter and stir until combined 
3: Whisk the eggs in medium size bowl, add the sugar and whisk.  Sift the flour in, add the amaretti biscuits and stir to combine
4:  Add the chocolate mixture to the egg and flour mixture
5:  Add half of the cake mixture to a well greased cake tin, place a layer of pears and top with the remaining mixture
6:  Bake in a pre heated oven at 200 degrees for about 35-40 minutes
Buon Apetito
#buonadomenica #kara #torta #cake #chocolate #pear #cioccolato #pera #sweet #dolce #buona #gelosa #turista #tourist 

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